function receive(
) external
only used for unwrapping weth in withdrawETH
function initialize(
) external
function setTrustedForwarder(
) external
function setClearingHouse(
) external
function setCollateralManager(
) external
function setWETH9(
) external
function deposit(
address token,
uint256 amount
) external
Deposit collateral into vault
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token to deposit |
amount | uint256 | The amount of the token to deposit |
function depositFor(
address to,
address token,
uint256 amount
) external
Deposit the collateral token for other account
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | The address of the account to deposit to |
token | address | The address of collateral token |
amount | uint256 | The amount of the token to deposit |
function depositEther(
) external
Deposit ETH as collateral into vault
function depositEtherFor(
address to
) external
Deposit ETH as collateral for specified account
Name | Type | Description |
to | address | The address of the account to deposit to |
function withdraw(
address token,
uint256 amount
) external
Withdraw collateral from vault
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token to withdraw |
amount | uint256 | The amount of the token to withdraw |
function withdrawEther(
uint256 amount
) external
Withdraw ETH from vault
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | The amount of the ETH to withdraw |
function withdrawAll(
address token
) external returns (uint256 amount)
Withdraw all free collateral from vault
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token to withdraw |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | The amount of the token withdrawn |
function withdrawAllEther(
) external returns (uint256 amount)
Withdraw all free collateral of ETH from vault
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
amount | uint256 | The amount of ETH withdrawn |
function liquidateCollateral(
address trader,
address token,
uint256 amount,
bool isDenominatedInSettlementToken
) external returns (uint256)
Liquidate trader's collateral by given settlement token amount or non settlement token amount
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of trader that will be liquidated |
token | address | The address of non settlement collateral token that the trader will be liquidated |
amount | uint256 | The amount of settlement token that the liquidator will repay for trader or |
the amount of non-settlement collateral token that the liquidator will charge from trader
| bool | Whether the amount is denominated in settlement token or not
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
returnAmount | uint256 | The amount of a non-settlement token (in its native decimals) that is liquidated |
when `isDenominatedInSettlementToken` is true or the amount of settlement token that is repaid
when `isDenominatedInSettlementToken` is false
function getSettlementToken(
) external returns (address)
Get the settlement token address
We assume the settlement token should match the denominator of the price oracle.
i.e. if the settlement token is USDC, then the oracle should be priced in USD
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
settlementToken | address | The address of the settlement token |
function decimals(
) external returns (uint8)
Get settlement token decimals
cached the settlement token's decimal for gas optimization
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
decimals | uint8 | The decimals of settlement token |
function getTotalDebt(
) external returns (uint256)
(Deprecated) Get the borrowed settlement token amount from insurance fund
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
debtAmount | uint256 | The debt amount (in settlement token's decimals) |
function getClearingHouseConfig(
) external returns (address)
Get ClearingHouseConfig
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
clearingHouseConfig | address | The address of ClearingHouseConfig contract |
function getAccountBalance(
) external returns (address)
Get AccountBalance
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
accountBalance | address | The address of AccountBalance contract |
function getInsuranceFund(
) external returns (address)
Get InsuranceFund
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
insuranceFund | address | The address of InsuranceFund contract |
function getExchange(
) external returns (address)
Get Exchange
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
exchange | address | The address of Exchange contract |
function getClearingHouse(
) external returns (address)
Get ClearingHouse
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
clearingHouse | address | The address of ClearingHouse contract |
function getCollateralManager(
) external returns (address)
Get CollateralManager
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
clearingHouse | address | The address of CollateralManager contract |
function getWETH9(
) external returns (address)
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
clearingHouse | address | The address of WETH9 contract |
function getFreeCollateral(
address trader
) external returns (uint256)
Get the free collateral value denominated in the settlement token of the specified trader
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
freeCollateral | uint256 | the value (in settlement token's decimals) of free collateral available |
for withdraw or opening new positions or orders)
function getFreeCollateralByRatio(
address trader,
uint24 ratio
) external returns (int256)
Get the free collateral amount of the specified trader and collateral ratio
There are three configurations for different insolvency risk tolerances:
conservative, moderate &aggressive. We will start with the conservative one
and gradually move to aggressive to increase capital efficiency
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
ratio | uint24 | The margin requirement ratio, imRatio or mmRatio |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
freeCollateralByRatio | int256 | freeCollateral (in settlement token's decimals), by using the |
input margin requirement ratio; can be negative
function getSettlementTokenValue(
address trader
) external returns (int256)
Get the specified trader's settlement value, including pending fee, funding payment,
owed realized PnL and unrealized PnL
Note the difference between settlementTokenBalanceX10_S
, getSettlementTokenValue()
and getBalance()
They are all settlement token balances but with or without
pending fee, funding payment, owed realized PnL, unrealized PnL, respectively
In practical applications, we use getSettlementTokenValue()
to get the trader's debt (if < 0)
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
balance | int256 | The balance amount (in settlement token's decimals) |
function getAccountValue(
address trader
) external returns (int256)
Get account value of the specified trader
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
accountValueX10_S | int256 | account value (in settlement token's decimals) |
function getCollateralTokens(
address trader
) external returns (address[])
Get the array of collateral token addresses that a trader has in their account
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
collateralTokens | address[] | array of collateral token addresses |
function getBalance(
address trader
) public returns (int256)
Get the specified trader's settlement token balance, without pending fee, funding payment
and owed realized PnL
The function is equivalent to getBalanceByToken(trader, settlementToken)
We keep this function solely for backward-compatibility with the older single-collateral system.
In practical applications, the developer might want to use getSettlementTokenValue()
because the latter includes pending fee, funding payment etc.
and therefore more accurately reflects a trader's settlement (ex. USDC) balance
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
balance | int256 | The balance amount (in settlement token's decimals) |
function getBalanceByToken(
address trader,
address token
) public returns (int256)
Get the balance of Vault of the specified collateral token and trader
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
token | address | The address of the collateral token |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
balance | int256 | The balance amount (in its native decimals) |
function getFreeCollateralByToken(
address trader,
address token
) public returns (uint256)
Get the free collateral amount of the specified collateral token of specified trader
getFreeCollateralByToken(token) = (getSettlementTokenValue() >= 0)
? min(getFreeCollateral() / indexPrice[token], getBalanceByToken(token))
: 0
if token is settlementToken, then indexPrice[token] = 1
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
token | address | The address of the collateral token |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
freeCollateral | uint256 | amount of that token (in the token's native decimals) |
function isLiquidatable(
address trader
) public returns (bool)
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
isLiquidatable | bool | If the trader can be liquidated |
function getMarginRequirementForCollateralLiquidation(
address trader
) public returns (int256)
get the margin requirement for collateral liquidation of a trader
this value is compared with ClearingHouse.getAccountValue()
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
marginRequirement | int256 | margin requirement (in 18 decimals) |
function getCollateralMmRatio(
) public returns (uint24)
Get the maintenance margin ratio for collateral liquidation
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
collateralMmRatio | uint24 | The maintenance margin ratio for collateral liquidation |
function getRepaidSettlementByCollateral(
address token,
uint256 collateral
) public returns (uint256 settlementX10_S)
Get a trader's repaid settlement amount by a given collateral amount
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token of the trader's collateral |
collateral | uint256 | The amount of collateral token the liquidator wants to get |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
settlementX10_S | uint256 | The settlement amount(in settlement token's decimals) the liquidator needs to pay |
function getLiquidatableCollateralBySettlement(
address token,
uint256 settlementX10_S
) public returns (uint256 collateral)
Get a trader's liquidatable collateral amount by a given settlement amount
Name | Type | Description |
token | address | The address of the token of the trader's collateral |
settlementX10_S | uint256 | The amount of settlement token the liquidator wants to pay |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
collateral | uint256 | The collateral amount(in its native decimals) the liquidator can get |
function getMaxRepaidSettlementAndLiquidatableCollateral(
address trader,
address token
) public returns (uint256 maxRepaidSettlementX10_S, uint256 maxLiquidatableCollateral)
Get a trader's max repaid settlement & max liquidatable collateral by a given collateral token
maxRepaidSettlement = maxLiquidatableCollateral (indexTwap (1 - discountRatio))
maxLiquidatableCollateral =
min(maxRepaidSettlement / (indexTwap * (1 - discountRatio)), getBalanceByToken(trader, token))
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of the trader |
token | address | The address of the token of the trader's collateral |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
maxRepaidSettlementX10_S | uint256 | The maximum settlement amount(in settlement token's decimals) |
the liquidator needs to pay to liquidate a trader's collateral token
| uint256 | The maximum liquidatable collateral amount
(in the collateral token's native decimals) of a trader
function settleBadDebt(
address trader
) public
Settle trader's bad debt
will only settle the bad debt when trader didn't have position and non-settlement collateral
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The address of trader that will be settled |