struct InternalAddLiquidityToOrderParams(
address maker
address baseToken
address pool
int24 lowerTick
int24 upperTick
uint256 feeGrowthGlobalX128
uint128 liquidity
uint256 base
uint256 quote
struct Funding.Growth globalFundingGrowth
struct InternalRemoveLiquidityParams(
address maker
address baseToken
address pool
bytes32 orderId
int24 lowerTick
int24 upperTick
uint128 liquidity
struct InternalSwapStep(
uint160 initialSqrtPriceX96
int24 nextTick
bool isNextTickInitialized
uint160 nextSqrtPriceX96
uint256 amountIn
uint256 amountOut
uint256 fee
function initialize(
) external
function setExchange(
) external
function addLiquidity(
struct IOrderBook.AddLiquidityParams params
) external returns (struct IOrderBook.AddLiquidityResponse)
Add liquidity logic
Only used by ClearingHouse
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct IOrderBook.AddLiquidityParams | Add liquidity params, detail on IOrderBook.AddLiquidityParams |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
response | struct IOrderBook.AddLiquidityResponse | Add liquidity response, detail on IOrderBook.AddLiquidityResponse |
function removeLiquidity(
struct IOrderBook.RemoveLiquidityParams params
) external returns (struct IOrderBook.RemoveLiquidityResponse)
Remove liquidity logic, only used by ClearingHouse
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct IOrderBook.RemoveLiquidityParams | Remove liquidity params, detail on IOrderBook.RemoveLiquidityParams |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
response | struct IOrderBook.RemoveLiquidityResponse | Remove liquidity response, detail on IOrderBook.RemoveLiquidityResponse |
function updateFundingGrowthAndLiquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment(
address trader,
address baseToken,
struct Funding.Growth fundingGrowthGlobal
) external returns (int256 liquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment)
This is the non-view version of getLiquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment()
only can be called by Exchange
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseToken | address | The base token address |
fundingGrowthGlobal | struct Funding.Growth | The funding growth info, detail on Funding.Growth |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
liquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment | int256 | the funding payment of all orders/liquidity of a maker |
function updateOrderDebt(
) external
function uniswapV3MintCallback(
uint256 amount0Owed,
uint256 amount1Owed,
bytes data
) external
Called to msg.sender
after minting liquidity to a position from IUniswapV3Pool#mint.
In the implementation you must pay the pool tokens owed for the minted liquidity.
The caller of this method must be checked to be a UniswapV3Pool deployed by the canonical UniswapV3Factory.
Name | Type | Description |
amount0Owed | uint256 | The amount of token0 due to the pool for the minted liquidity |
amount1Owed | uint256 | The amount of token1 due to the pool for the minted liquidity |
data | bytes | Any data passed through by the caller via the IUniswapV3PoolActions#mint call |
function replaySwap(
struct IOrderBook.ReplaySwapParams params
) external returns (struct IOrderBook.ReplaySwapResponse)
Replay the swap and get the swap result (price impact and swap fee),
only can be called by Exchange
ReplaySwapResponse.insuranceFundFee = fee * insuranceFundFeeRatio
Name | Type | Description |
params | struct IOrderBook.ReplaySwapParams | ReplaySwap params, detail on IOrderBook.ReplaySwapParams |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
response | struct IOrderBook.ReplaySwapResponse | The swap result encoded in ReplaySwapResponse |
function getExchange(
) external returns (address)
Get Exchange
contract address
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
exchange | address | The Exchange contract address |
function getOpenOrderIds(
address trader,
address baseToken
) external returns (bytes32[])
Get open order ids of a trader in the given market
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseToken | address | The base token address |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
orderIds | bytes32[] | The open order ids |
function getOpenOrderById(
bytes32 orderId
) external returns (struct OpenOrder.Info)
Get open order info by given order id
Name | Type | Description |
orderId | bytes32 | The order id |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
info | struct OpenOrder.Info | The open order info encoded in OpenOrder.Info |
function getOpenOrder(
address trader,
address baseToken,
int24 upperTick,
int24 lowerTick
) external returns (struct OpenOrder.Info)
Get open order info by given base token, upper tick and lower tick
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseToken | address | The base token address |
upperTick | int24 | The upper tick |
lowerTick | int24 | The lower tick |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
info | struct OpenOrder.Info | he open order info encoded in OpenOrder.Info |
function hasOrder(
address trader,
address[] tokens
) external returns (bool)
Check if the specified trader has order in given markets
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
tokens | address[] | The base token addresses |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
hasOrder | bool | True if the trader has order in given markets |
function getTotalQuoteBalanceAndPendingFee(
address trader,
address[] baseTokens
) external returns (int256 totalQuoteAmountInPools, uint256 totalPendingFee)
Get the total quote token amount and pending fees of all orders in given markets
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseTokens | address[] | The base token addresses |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
totalQuoteAmountInPools | int256 | The total quote token amount |
totalPendingFee | uint256 | The total pending fees in the orders |
function getTotalTokenAmountInPoolAndPendingFee(
address trader,
address baseToken,
bool fetchBase
) external returns (uint256 tokenAmount, uint256 pendingFee)
Get the total token amount (quote or base) and pending fees of all orders in the given market
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseToken | address | The base token addresses |
fetchBase | bool | True if fetch base token amount, false if fetch quote token amount |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
tokenAmount | uint256 | The total quote/base token amount |
totalPendingFee | uint256 | The total pending fees in the orders |
function getLiquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment(
) external returns (int256 liquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment)
Get the pending funding payment of all orders in the given market
This is the view version of updateFundingGrowthAndLiquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment()
, so only
part of the funding payment will be returned. Use it with caution because it does not return all the pending
funding payment of orders. Normally you won't need to use this function
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
liquidityCoefficientInFundingPayment | int256 | the funding payment of all orders/liquidity of a maker |
function getPendingFee(
address trader,
address baseToken,
int24 lowerTick,
int24 upperTick
) external returns (uint256)
Get the pending fees of a order
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseToken | address | The base token address |
lowerTick | int24 | The lower tick |
upperTick | int24 | The upper tick |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
fee | uint256 | The pending fees |
function getTotalOrderDebt(
address trader,
address baseToken,
bool fetchBase
) public returns (uint256)
Get the total debt token amount (base or quote) of all orders in the given market
Name | Type | Description |
trader | address | The trader address |
baseToken | address | The base token address |
fetchBase | bool | True if fetch base token amount, false if fetch quote token amount |
Return Values:
Name | Type | Description |
debtAmount | uint256 | The total debt token amount |